The Gift of Hospitality

It’s funny how, in life, people are what make all the difference. You can have everything but no one to share it with, and be miserable. In my case I have nothing and everyone is sharing with me. And life couldn’t be more joyful! Here’s a quick look at the people who’ve blessed me and this journey I’m on:

Steve + Aneta

“Hello!!” I hear as the screen door slams behind me, Aneta’s sharp Wisconsin accent welcoming me in. She’s in her studio creating something beautiful but jumps up to greet me and check on my food intake level for the day. “Are you hungry? I just whipped up some veggies.” I decline with regret, ask after her day and spend the next couple of minutes listening to her. Aneta is one of those people who talks and you want to listen. Her voice is commanding and yet light and she always has a humorous story to share. One of my favorite nights i’ve had here so far is the first night I arrived. Aneta made Lauren and me dinner and we sat around the table slowly eating the gourmet meal and sipping our wine. Story after story poured out from Aneta and the wisdom she has acquired revealed itself. She is a firecracker with one of the biggest hearts I’ve met.

Steve is a character for sure! He loves fantasy football, and Aneta (not in that order, of course). He is also from Wisconsin and carries the type of accent that turns everything he says into something funny. The two of them were so kind as to welcome me into their home for a few nights. On top of that, they serve as a home base and constant fall back option if my current setting falls through. I couldn’t have gotten settled into this city without their open and beautiful hospitality.

Gwyn + Allison

The music swells and fills the room, pouring out the open windows into the streets, and you find yourself captivated by it. The rhythm and strength of their voices as they harmonize works it’s way into your veins and relaxes even your deepest worries. They hit the last note, let it hang in the air and then giggle, content with what they created. These are two of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever met. Gwyn has golden hair that’s shaved off on one side and a myriad of tattoos covering her body. Allison has a beautiful face and dark skin that is accentuated by her shaved hair. Her eyes sparkle endlessly and the rosy color of her cheeks never diminishes. On top of that, these two women have amazing hearts for all types of people. They offered to let me stay with them for a few nights since my time with Aneta and Steve was coming to a close. The second day I was with them Gwyn picked me up from my interview and weaving her way through traffic she begins explaining how she was in the same position I’m in just five months ago. Before I have time to comprehend everything she says that after talking with Allison they have decided to open their house up to me as long as I need. Then she goes above and beyond and walks me through some starter groceries she bought for me. All I could do was cry. The overwhelming grace, provision and love that I’ve been shown by these two girls is uncanny. They have put aside all things to make me as comfortable and at home as I can possibly be and it has made all the difference.


Walking down the streets of Denver the first Saturday I told Lauren and Emily that I would meet up with them in a minute because I saw a cute dog I needed to pet. As they walked on ahead I meandered over to the owners and asked if I could pet him. I jumped right in, asking their opinion on the city, telling them my story and wanting to know theirs. By the end of the conversation I had Grace’s number and we had plans to meet up for coffee the next day. As I sat at the table in the warm sunlight the next afternoon I couldn’t help but think how crazy this was. I wasn’t sure I would remember what she looked like and started thinking about how crazy I must seem to her. She arrived, we grabbed our coffee and spent the next hour telling each other our stories about life and God and the complicated ways of following Him. What a comforting conversation it was. To know someone in the city, what a treat! She has been such a joy to know and I’m lucky to be her friend!


I met Joey through a group of moms at a One Direction concert Lauren and I spied on from the top of a pedestrian bridge in Nashville. He is a reporter for a big newspaper here in Denver and after sending him an email and mentioning these women he agreed to meet me for lunch. We went to this really beautiful Mediterranean place and spent over an hour talking about the journalism/PR world, what life within that looks like, and the joys and sorrows of being in such a public, fast-paced world. The amount of encouragement, advice and support I’ve gotten from Joey has provided all the courage and direction I need to find a job! It really is all about who you know!


I don’t know Chris well. In fact we’ve never met. But I contacted him after getting his name from a friend back home. We agreed to chat on the phone and a few minutes later he called me. This guy, who doesn’t know me from adam, spent 40 minutes speaking Gospel truths, and words of wisdom and encouragement over me. He hadn’t eaten all day and his pizza arrived 20 minutes into our conversation. He didn’t even blink twice and just kept on talking and listening. Who does that?! A few things he said that stuck out in my mind were:

“We have to lay down our desires and dreams so that God can resurrect them into something even more beautiful.”
“Are you scared? Then do it scared.”

Two phrases, so simple. Yet 27 words that have not left my brain for over a week. I could not have been more thankful for a random friend and phone call as I was that night.


These are just a few of the people who have been a part of this glorious journey I’m on. And the biggest thing I’m learning from them is that it’s okay to be where I am. It’s okay to not have answers, it’s okay to be scared, it’s okay to not make commitments and it’s okay to question why God is doing things the way He is. And I am scared. I’m scared of “wasting” time and money. I’m scared of being a burden to people (I’m terrible at accepting other peoples help and gifts). I’m scared of missing the Lords call in my life (I’m learning a lot about my skewed understanding of this topic). I’m scared of getting stuck in a place. I’m scared of trusting it all to the Lord. I’m scared of messing it up. I’m scared of not reaching my potential. I’m scared, I’m scared, I’m scared…

so I will do it scared. I will continue to put one foot in front of the other, fearfully trusting that as I step the ground will be laid out before me. Fearfully trusting that He will not let me fall. Fearfully believing that this life is not my own but rather a gift I can give to Him and one that He promises to resurrect into something more beautiful than I ever imagined!

Special thanks to all the wonderful people who have made this trying season with the Lord possible. May He pour out blessings upon you for the love you have shown me!

2 thoughts on “The Gift of Hospitality

  1. Great story Jen – thanks for sharing! An old song comes to mind – the wondrous love of the Lord never ceases……… do it scared. The other spelling of that is sacred! Maybe they’re not too far apart, ya’ think?

  2. Pingback: A God Who’s Full of Surprises: Part 1 – Life with Bettie | Footsteps of Tender Feet

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