Humbled by a child

Sitting at the gym making a list of the things I needed to get for Kenya, I was distracted by a boy in a wheelchair. He was taking a break from playing basketball with the other kids. Settling in to eat his pizza, he worked to keep his basketball near his chair. As I watched, another kid walked up and kicked the basketball across the floor, laughing as he walked away.  The boy just watched, sighed and returned to his pizza.

What he didn’t notice was the little girl sitting across from me. She looked at me and then at the boy. I could see the worry in her deep brown eyes – eyes that could see farther than most four-year-old eyes. She closed one eye and pointed at the ball and then at the boy in the wheelchair. I nodded my head and watched as she went and picked up the ball. Looking back at me, she was nervous. I smiled and nodded again and with timid steps she walked up to the boy, stood there with the ball held out, and waited for him to notice.

The boy finally turned and took the ball from her and with a lighter step she walked back to her chair. With a smile that was beyond captivating she turned and winked at me. As she resumed eating her crackers I could not help but be amazed by the image of God in this little girl.

“Jesus called a small child over to him and put the child among them.  Then he said, “I assure you, unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.   Therefore, anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.   And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.” Matthew 18:2-6

Tightening the blanket around my shoulders I lower myself into the rocking chair and tuck my feet under me. As the wind blows I cannot help but feel the Lords presence and I picture him posted up against the railing, looking into the distant horizon, telling me a story about one of his children.
The wind has always been my favorite thing. It is the one thing that can still my heart and focus my mind. It is the earthly touch of a heavenly father. So I sit, and imagine. A smile creeps onto my face and I close my eyes, lost in the invisible peace that is so potent.

These moments all lack one thing: fear
It is gone, finished on the Cross when He died to set me free from all chains. He didn’t just take away my sin and shame. He removed the necessity for fear.

18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.” 1st John 4:18

In the beauty of the moment I realize another promise of His – I have nothing to fear. The Father has already conquered it all which means I am free to run and jump and sing with joy of His great love. If there is nothing holding me back, what is keeping me from going? I want to run, with wild abandonment, the race he has laid out before me.  John 16:33 says “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”


Day 1 of orientation is complete. After waking up at 5:30am to drive from Boone to Charlotte, hours and hours of information, a Kenyan lunch and Ethiopian dinner – I am finally home and ready for a nice long sleep. Life is moving full tilt now. With only 26 days until I leave, my days are full of running around trying to get everything done.

Friends are amazing – enough said. The conversations the Lord led me to this past week were so refreshing and fun. The only problem is that as I get closer to leaving, I realize that I actually have to leave. Last night was the first time I have cried yet when thinking about leaving. Part of me wants to leave now, just so that the leaving part is over. It’s funny how the Lords plans sometimes seem glorious and other times seem insane. Good thing I’m not the one in charge of my life – what a mess that would be.

For those of you who don’t know – I have worn the same dress for 19 days so far. It is to raise awareness about sex trafficking though The Hundred Movement here in Boone. For the month of April we are wearing the same dress everyday. The idea is: the girls in slavery can’t change their situations so we’re not changing our clothes. It is a great reminder of my freedom and has made me really appreciate my situation. As silly as it sounds, it has been an honest trial to wake up everyday (especially rainy ones) knowing I have to wear my purple dress.

The biggest thing I want to tell you is that I have officially raised all the support I need! I have been constantly amazed by the generosity and support of everyone around me. It is so exciting to know that you are all apart of this journey. What a blessing for me! Thank-you cards are coming soon – but I just wanted to make the great news known. It has been a month and oh how the Lord is faithful!


A little about orientation today… It was a mix of learning about Islam and its history, to discussing spiritual warfare, its impact and how to fight against it. The stories I listened to melted my heart and gave me a realistic view on what exactly I’m walking into. I am pumped about my opportunity to love the children in my school, but I am also excited about being able to really get to know the adults in the surrounding community. To gain an understanding of their culture and their view of God. To share in their sorrow. To share in their praise! To watch. To learn. To listen. To talk. To love. To grow. I am excited about everything!

His Faithfulness

Amazement floods through my body as I watch again and again the Lord preparing the way. From the countless donations of loving friends to the contributions from strangers. He never lets me sit still long enough to forget His majesty.

A few updates/praises:
Raised almost $4,000 of my ~$10,000.
Bought my plane ticket today! Praise Him – there is no turning back now!
All the paperwork is going through perfectly for my work visa.

With only 39 days until I leave, it is hard to keep my feet from dancing. This blurb I wrote after CRU last night explains a little about the Lords presence during this time..

Shouts of Laughter
standing in the back of the room tonight, i remove my shoes because the ground is growing hot beneath me and i can’t stand still. there is nothing special and i’m pretty sure the guitarist just messed up, but i feel Him. He is here, dancing beside me, laughing with me at His own greatness and it’s ability to knock me off my feet. I am not speechless. quite the opposite tonight as i laugh out loud and move my body to the rhythm of His grace.

the room is full of people i don’t know, but i have never felt more open and free to dance for my King. it’s only a glimpse of the time to come but the ground gives way and the walls melt as I close my eyes and let the joy of the Lord overtake me.

spinning legs, swinging arms, jumping feet and clapping hands. going crazy without fear.. He is twirling me around His eyes shining with laughter and brimming with tears as He watches me dance, free from my chains. my joy in Him is His joy in me. we delight in each other and the night is perfect. His love is perfect.

The biggest prayer need now is that I would stay focused and diligent to my school work, until it is over. As my mama always says – “finish one thing before you start another”. She is one wise cookie!

Praises to the Lord,

p.s. I do my “creative” writing here if you would like to read more 🙂