Four Walls and Freedom

I arrived on a Sunday. The sudden turn around of location threw me off but I’ve unpacked my belongings and my mind, and the whirling is starting to abate a bit. It’s been a full week of learning system operations, Haitian culture and language, and my role among it all. I can say that after a week I finally feel as though I’m starting to gain some traction in my work.

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Haiti from above

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A God Who’s Full of Surprises: Part 2 – The Perfect Picture

lauren seitz
Photo by Lauren Seitz

Continued from previous post

I was talking with a friend the other day and expressed to her how tough the past two months had been. Especially the last month when I’ve felt like a vagabond, couch-surfer; wondering the whole time if God had forgotten about me. It wasn’t my proudest month. While I completely trusted the Lord and knew that He hadn’t forgotten and that He did indeed have a plan, my spirit was heavy and many times I struggled to find sure footing in my faith.

But the Lord kept me and comforted me. He gave me small moments of clarity that sustained my spirit. His words spoke truth, and challenged me to believe harder and cling stronger to everything I knew about Him. Let me explain it through an illustration.  Continue reading

A God Who’s Full of Surprises: Part 1 – Life with Bettie

Let me give you a little background of the past three months. Long story short, I had to move from my beautiful little nest. After two months of unsuccessfully looking for a place to live I decided to once again turn to the mercy of others generosity. Within the first 10 days of April I moved five times, shuffling my belongings from one home to another as I struggled to figure out what exactly I was supposed to do. Nothing made sense. I had found the perfect home, in one of the best locations and the rent was unbeatable. Why would God let this happen? Continue reading